Available courses

Welcome to the Childcare Self Employment program!

The information you'll find here will help you plan and prepare to open a childcare service; either in your home or a rented facility. 

There is additional general business information to assist you in planning and opening your childcare business. Please refer to the Self Employment program information for details including business planning, business structure, marketing, deductions, insurance, start up costs and forecasting.

You can review the childcare related topics by clicking on the heading to read the information and notes. Each section contains resources like a powerpoint, video recording and weblinks.

The WorkBC Self Employment Program provides support to plan and launch a viable business. The three main supports include, business information, coaching and mentoring and living supports to eligible participants. 

The business information contained herein is for planning purposes, and is general in nature and is not meant to be comprehensive, legal or professional advice. 

In progress - 

Link is a 12-week program to help bridge the gap between unstable housing and employment readiness. Participants will spend five afternoons a week attending virtual workshops, two mornings a week in a “Peer Employment” placement and have the option to access personal counselling group sessions. 

The virtual workshops focus on various topics including personality assessments, Indigenous culture, addictions, violence and abuse, employment skills, time management, networking, transferable skills and resume and cover letter writing.

ASPIRE.....for youth. 

KES offers employment training for youth aged 17-29. 

ASPIRE is a four-week, group based, full-time program (delivered virtually) with a focus on career exploration, market research, employment readiness and career planning. Participants are paid while attending the workshops. This is followed by 12-weeks of personalized job placement supports. Participants will also have access to short term training for industry specific certifications.

Kootenay Employment Services has a new cutting-edge opportunity for youth looking to score a techie job. SWITCH is a chance for youth to refine their job search and prep for employment with a splash of tech. Over 5-weeks they will explore empowerment, strategy building and personal leadership through online workshops and collaborating on projects. Plus, training in web development skills, techniques, and tools; basic coding and 3-D laser printing

Participants will also receive training and certification to help boost their qualifications for employment.  This is followed by a 12-week paid work experience to allow participants a chance to apply what they have learned and make contacts in the industry. Those who complete the program also walk away with a $200 bonus.

Looking to get into graphic design? 

Check out Kootenay Employment Services fab new YOUTH program, Graphic Force and get paid to create.

This one-time, innovative opportunity offers 4-weeks of online training in Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, followed by an 8-week work experience at a local business and helpful workshops. Bonus… you get paid to participate.

Get paid the full 12-weeks
Develop mad graphic design skills to create custom logos, business cards, brochures, web graphics 
Build a portfolio and foundation to pursue a career in graphic design

Kootenay Employment Services is offering a brand-new program for youth.

Ignite is a five-week initiative to help 16 to 30-year-olds become employment-ready and open doors to greater opportunities.

The program includes leadership training, mentorship, identifying and fostering strengths, and exploring entrepreneurial opportunities for those interested in self-employment, followed by a 12-week paid, employment opportunity.

Plus, you get paid and collect a cash bonus at the end.

Are you between the ages of 17 and 29 and looking for work? Maybe you don’t have a job at all, or maybe you have one but it’s not exactly your life aspiration? We feel you.

Kootenay Employment Services is new to town in Cranbrook, Fernie, and Invermere, and we are seriously awesome at helping people find employment.

For starters, we are offering a program called Aspire (delivered virtually). Youth participants will be paid while attending four-weeks in the (virtual) classroom. You’ll learn all sorts of cool stuff including how to find and maintain a job! We can help you prepare for the job market by providing employability and life skills training through classroom and experiential learning activities. You’ll be paid an allowance while attending the four-week classroom part of the program. After that, you will then have access to personalized job placement supports. We aren’t quite sure why you wouldn’t sign up?

Don’t just aspire to find a job, aspire to become who you want to be in the future!

A safe space for all your workshop content which can be used later in other programming 

Sometimes negative experiences cause lasting emotional and physical impacts that create barriers to getting or keeping employment.

KES is offering a new employment program called SHIFT. Participants get paid to attend workshops – this will be done over the internet using Zoom. SHIFT examines what sort of career you might be good at, how to talk to people face to face, how to conquer anxiety around interviews, and how to write a cover letter and resume. You’ll learn computer skills, make connections in the local labour market, upgrade your skills, and research employers.

Four weeks of virtual workshops and support during which you are paid a living allowance. Virtual workshops run:  9am – 3:00pm 5 days/week.

Maybe it’s time to make a shift… …to do something different…to change where you’re at…to change where you’re going.

Collection of all information, assignments and workshops pertaining to ENCORE 55+

Please note, this is not accessible by clients or workshop participants.

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